CLEARANCE SALE: I'm permanently discontinuing a whole bunch of beloved artwork to make room for a complete website overhaul & a new long-term project I'll be unveiling this summer. Enjoy 50% off ALL prints, sketches, and originals while you wait. (The discount will appear in your cart at checkout.) Sale will end around the end of July & everything you see here will be discontinued at that time with the new website launch.

A Short, Enormous Announcement

I got married. To my best friend and my beloved companion. At our ceremony, my sister read from The Little Prince and we both cried like babies on the stage. My husband and I read that book together in the early days of our friendship and it's so special to both of us.

When we were dating, we spent one hundred days apart one very long summer and I wrote a song to present to him when we were back together again. I couldn't help drawing from Saint-Exupery: "There are no shops where you can buy friends..." it began. And even today, that's what I treasure the most about my relationship with him -- we have a friendship that we took great pains to build and into which we invested many hours long before we ever thought we'd one day be one flesh. And friendship is a glue that holds tighter than any passions.

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