In 2021 I hosted four poetry workshop courses on Zoom and got to know a bunch of funny, kind, creative people. There were new writers and long-time poets. There were high school students, college students, young parents, and retired adults. We had SO MUCH FUN together, and those splendid workshops have been continuing ever since—with a few modifications to make them more affordable and accessible for already-busy people craving a creative outlet they can fit into their schedules without feeling too harried. 

Since 2023, I've been regularly hosting 4-week online poetry workshops where writers of varying skill and experience levels can learn from one another by meaningfully engaging with the craft of poetry. The goal of these sessions is to foster community and support writers at all stages of their development as communicators and story-tellers. The workshops are places where friendships sprout, lightbulb moments happen, and good writing gets the careful attention it deserves—that attention that has the power to challenge and change us.

You can find upcoming poetry workshops here (alongside my painting workshops), and learn more or register to secure your spot today. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the contact form if you have any specific questions about the workshops. 

If you're curious, click here to read more about my background in poetry, and here to see where my work has appeared. 

Former Participants Say:

"Bryana does a wonderful job developing the skills necessary to create beautiful writing. The first time I shared my work with other writers was at one of her workshops. This experience took me from being terrified of anyone reading my work to confident enough to submit my writing to publications! I am so thankful for Bryana's investment and her desire to see her pupils flourish. I look forward to new workshops starting again so I can continue to be a part of the encouraging community she fosters. I am forever changed by this experience." 

                     —Elizabeth Tomaszewski
                              [2021 workshop participant]


"I can't recommend [Bryana's poetry workshops] highly enough. Her knowledge of poetry and her generosity and gentle critique have urged me forward in the craft. Also the fellowship with other growing poets. Do consider this experience!"

                       —Rebecca D. Martin 
                               [two-time workshop enrollee]