
I'm delighted that you've decided to visit my personal website here! You're in the right place to register for upcoming workshops, read my published poetry, or purchase original paintings and prints. But if you're looking to receive my illustrated stories in the post or digitally via a Tales From The Mandalina Tree membership, the place to get that is over on my Patreon page

You may be interested to know that paid Patreon members in all three tiers receive a new 15% off discount code for my shop each month. So if you make frequent purchases here, signing up for a Patreon membership could benefit you in more ways than one: you'll be able to pick up more lovely, weird, whimsical and elegant artwork over here, and you'll also receive the other fun perks of Patreon membership: access to my patron-only behind the scenes posts and a subscription to the Tales!

Click here to read all about the Tales From The Mandalina Tree, and here to access my FAQs page with additional info about Patreon membership options.